Thursday, January 28, 2010


And this is why conservatives suck.

The media and the Left, in my opinion, have been ginning up false controversy over the Tea Party Nation Convention. "Oh, my goodness! Look at how much it costs! The guy in charge wants to make money! They're hijacking the movement!"

And what do conservatives do?

"Oh, my goodness! Look at how much it costs! The guy in charge wants to make money! They're hijacking the movement!"

Times like this I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, "Would you all just SHUT UP!"

Thank you.

Now, calm down. Breathe. Let me explain something to you - The TPNC is an event in Nashville where there will be workshops and speeches for anyone who maybe wants to learn how to organize better, etc.... or if you just want to hear the speakers. The price is steep, and the event is for-profit. Period.

It's a free market. Got a problem with the price? Don't go. It's as simple as that. As for profiting off of the Tea Party movement, are you mad at Glenn Beck? You think he's not profiting off of all this stuff? What about CPAC? They charge money. I can't afford to go to CPAC, does that mean I'm mad at the event for "taking the conservative movement away from the little people"? What garbage.

It's a load of bull. It's the opposition trying to divide us over something stupid and conservatives suck because they march right into it. The very people, the Tea Partiers, who know that the media is biased and doesn't represent hardly anything correctly, are falling in lockstep with their interpretation of the TPNC.

It's enough to make me pull my hair out by the roots.

Bachmann and Blackburn are looking at pulling out. I don't blame them for this, as it has to do with the fact that they are candidates for political office and therefore they have to abide by a certain set of rules when it comes to for-profit events. My hair-pulling is reserved for the hand-wringing of the conservative blogosphere and many grassrootsers who should know by now that we have an enemy and should be able to recognize the tactics of that enemy.

Ugh. Okay, I'm done now.

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