Sunday, January 17, 2010

SP Video Sunday

Gonna go for some fluff today. I need it.

First up, here's a ten minute feature that a foreign tv station did with Sarah Palin's parents and friends during the election:

Sarah Palin feature story from Chris on Vimeo.

Here's a brief vid of the "Elite Six" talking about their friendship with Sarah. Some whacky photos:

Link: Sarah Palin and Friends

Sarah and Todd at the Wasilla Inaugural Ball:

Sarah Palin - Inagural Ball - Palmer, AK from Kris Riley on Vimeo.

(sigh) 2012.

Citizens of Asheville,NC speak up for Governor Sarah Palin from richard bernier on Vimeo.

Palin Visits Colorado Springs - Nov. 3 from Josh Taber on Vimeo.

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